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Aloe Supreme Sunset
Aloe Supreme Sunset
Aloe hybrid 'AL03' PBR
Succulent, Landscape
Aloe Supreme Sunset is a medium sized plant that produces a rosette of thick, fleshy leaves lined by spines. Flower spikes appear during winter, with tubular bicolour flowers that shift from deep orange to cream as they decend down the spike. Perfect for coastal gardens or as a feature plant in a pot, Supreme Sunset can also be used as an indoor or patio plant in well lit spaces.
Long green fleshy leaves with spines.
Produces bicolour orange to cream flowers in winter
Neat, upright rosette forming habit
Low maintenance
50cm X 60cm
Full sun to part shade
Heat, cold and drought tolerant
Use in containers or garden beds
Low water requirement
Flowers in winter
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